Pastors, Here’s How to Avoid Burnout

Do You Need a Break? Pastors need time to reflect on their sense of call and refresh their professional skills after serving for a number of years in the ministry. In many cases, the pastor is on-call, serving his congregation’s…

5 Tips to Start Streaming

It’s a new year and live streaming video is an excellent way to expand your church’s ministry. If you’ve been charged with your church’s vision to begin streaming video, there is often concern and stress. You want to make sure…

5 Ways to Reduce Christmas Stress

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” but also a time when stress levels soar, especially if you are involved in ministry. Most of us are aware of the adverse effects that stress can have on our body. It…

Should You Hire an Executive Pastor?

As your church grows, things need to change and evolves. That includes the responsibilities of the senior pastor. It might be time to look at hiring an executive pastor, referred to in the church world as an XP. Before we…