COVID-19 has led some churches to viewing technology as a new way to engage the congregation and the community. Despite this, some church leaders are still hesitant to adopt the latest technological advances.
Here are 10 ways your church can embrace technology and use it to grow your members and reach your neighbors.
1. Share a vision of technology.
Develop a vision as to why your church needs to grow in the area of using technology. Technology serves a variety of purposes and means different things to different people. In today’s world, technology can be found at every corner. From the local convenience store to your local deli shop, technology makes the world function more efficiently.
While some are reluctant to embrace new technological advancements, most of us have some form of technology in our household. The smartphone and home computer are probably the two pieces of technology most households have. There’s no debating that technology has become integral in our daily lives, for better and maybe for worse.
2. Create a tech team.
Enlist people who are focused on the ways your church is currently using technology and who are also aware of emerging technology and potential communication methods. Empower them to provide you with tangible ways you can improve your strategies and equipment.
3. Get younger leaders are involved.
Why are youth leaders so important? Simply put: it’s their culture. Late Millennials and all of Gen Z were born into technology, so it’s second nature to them. Don’t miss out on these younger generations’ unique perspectives. Plug them into the ministry of your church so they can share their insights with other leaders.
4. Identify all relevant technological media.
This is where both your leadership team and congregation members can help. Find out the social media sites people in your church use most frequently. Invest your time and energy there. But also discover where the greater community around your church is online and be there for them.
5. Show all your church leaders how to use those avenues.
Discovering where people are is only half of the objective. Next, the staff and leaders need to know how to use the appropriate sites and technology, so they can engage their audience inside and outside the church. Reinforcing the vison of using technology will help motivate them.
6. Get high quality Internet bandwidth for the church.
Invest in the Internet your staff and volunteers will use on a regular basis. Nothing will frustrate people and dampen enthusiasm for an online push than slow Internet and the resulting inability to respond quickly.
7. Develop a strategy for advance and follow-up communications.
In conjunction with your team, devise a plan to publicize sermon notes, announcements, ministry opportunities, specific campaigns, prayer items, etc. in the most effective way.
8. Broaden the kind of content being generated.
With all the varying media creation software and apps, you and your team could produce numerous works related to one sermon or church wide emphasis: podcast, highlight video, web ad, Facebook photo, blog post, etc.
9. Provide a mobile app for your members.
Instead of expecting people to find ways to consume the content you produce—give them the content and the device. Those who cannot physically come to services could still benefit from the sermons and other content available in your app.
10. Upgrade your streaming video.
There are other alternatives to Facebook and YouTube. Sure, they aren’t free, but the quality and presentation can be worth the price. See it as an investment for your church as you continue to carry out the vison of using technology to reach people.
For 20 years has been working exclusively with churches. We can help your church use technology and fulfill your purpose. Reach out to us today at [email protected] or live chat on the bottom right of this screen.