10 Ways to Keep Your Members Virtually Connected

One thing the past few months has made painfully clear is the importance of maintaining meaningful relationships with others when we cannot meet in-person.

While some churches have opened their physical doors once more, we must be mindful of those who still will not be able to attend church activities for various reasons. For example, we need to keep members with pre-existing health conditions in our prayers and not forget about their needs.

How do we remain connected?

The big idea is to come up with creative ways to help people stay connected during the COVID-19 pandemic, using live interactive tools like Zoom, Google, or your StreamingChurch.tv platform.

1. Weekly Devotions

Take input from church leaders and your congregation about what devotions would be most helpful and inspirational during these times.

2. Bible Study – Interactive Online Courses

University professors around the globe have had to reimagine the way they teach courses. Interactivity is key for learning! Make sure to utilize all ways to keep your audience engaged.

3. Fellowship Hour

4. Weekly Topics for Discussion

5. Prayer Times

6. Small Groups

7. Exercise Classes

A congregation that sweats together stays together! Ask around your church family to find those who either teacher or attend gym classes. Then ask them if they would like a free version. You’ll have a group of instructors and participants in no time.

8. Game Night

9. Ask the Pastor(s)

Members should feel free to ask any questions without fear of judgement. Your web host may also request members ask question in the private chat for anonymity.

10. One on One Conversations

Pastors and leaders use Zoom or Google to talk one on one.

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