15 Tips for Promoting Your Live Stream

Live video streaming is one of the most powerful ways to reach new people, interact with visitors, and help them grow spiritually. However, viewers will not magically find you online just because you’re streaming. You need to constantly and creatively promote your church’s live stream.

If you are spending the time, energy, (and money), to live stream your church services, you shouldn’t let it go to waste. Regularly create promotional campaigns both geared towards your church members and those unfamiliar with your ministry.

Below are 15 tips to promote your live stream:

1. Develop Compelling Event/Service Titles

This means spiking people’s curiosity about a certain topic. Identify an intriguing part of your sermon and consider phrasing it as a question. Example: How many stones did it take for David to kill Goliath?

2. Repeat the fact you stream live until you’re sick of it and then keep talking about it!

I learned this years ago in broadcasting. As an announcer, about the time I would get sick of playing a commercial was the same time an average listener actually considered buying the product.

3. Post streaming links in your social media channels

It’s free and easy way to connect with people. Make sure to write an enticing social media post sending viewers to your stream every time you go live. You should also be posting other things besides your events, to keep your followers engaged.

4. Invest in Paid Advertising

Today you can target your ads on Google and Facebook, so you won’t waste your money on clicks that would not benefit your church. PPC advertising is relatively cheap to get started and test your advertising strategy.

5. Text your Members whenever you have a service or event.

Use push notifications if your church has an app. This is a great reminder as people are easily distracted today.

6. Follow-up with viewers of your live stream.

You should have buttons/CTAs on your live stream player that leads to prayer requests and/or filling out digital connections cards. Encourage your online visitors to fill out the card every week. Send out automated emails to your first visitors and people that don’t return, like the feature StreamingChurch.tv offers. (Learn more here.)

7. Always have links to the streaming in your Email Newsletters.

You need to make it as easy as possible for people to view your live stream. If they have to search for a link somewhere online, it discourages people. Make the link to view your streaming obvious on email newsletters.

8. Make it clearly findable on your Website.

Your live stream link should be “above the fold” and obvious on the home page of your website. As we mentioned above, the longer it takes people to try and find your live stream, the less likely they will be there to watch.

9. Have Flyers available for your Members to share with friends.

The same idea with business cards is also an option. Anything you can get into the hands of your members to share with their friends or neighbors, the better.

10. Post signage around your church facility about your live streaming events (services).

Post well-designed flyers on your church’s bulletins. Anywhere people gather, even in the restrooms. On doors, in the children’s area, in the lobby.

11. Speak often about your live streaming on your podcast.

If you have a podcast (and you should: read why/how here) mention your live streaming services all the time! The more people who hear about your live stream and where to watch, the better.

12. Pastor should always remind people during Message/Service.

From welcoming your online crowd, to including them in your comments as your speak, make online visitors feel welcome. For example, ask online viewers to join you in reading a scripture out loud. These are great ways to let online and offline members know that you value them.

13. Encourage viewers to tell others.

It’s true; the best advertising in the world is word of mouth!Always ask your online and offline viewers to invite their friends to watch. Encourage them to share your posts on social media who sending your live stream link to friends who don’t wish to come in-person.

14. Make sure your online hosts are active in the chat, (not just monitoring).

Some online hosts think their only job is to monitor the comments and be on alert for something inappropriate in the chat. While this is important, what’s even more important is to greet people as they arrive in the chat and interact with the viewers. Make sure online hosts are there to answer visitors’ questions.

15 Sent out baulk mailers about your church and include the live stream link.

People still get snail mail and if you can design a nice looking postcard about your church and also your online services, people will respond. You can even target certain neighborhoods close to your church. many people will watch a stream online first and if they like what they see will show up in person

As you attract visitors using promotions, strive to make your streaming video a good experience for your viewers. Your video, your audio, your lighting and more will help your viewership grow.

At StreamingChurch.tv, we help churches stream and provide excellent advice based on over 20 years of working with churches. Let us help your church excel. Reach out to us at StreamingChurch.tv today by emailing [email protected] or messge online chat here.

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