7 Ways People Can Find Your Live Stream

I’m amazed how difficult it can be when I visit some church websites to find their live stream. Many times it is hidden in some menu that forces you to make multiple clicks to get to the streaming platform. This is equivent to trying to find the front door of the church if you are visiting for the first time. Sure, the regular attenders know how to get in but if you are new, good luck! You can still have the live stream in a menu somewhere on your website but don’t make that the only place.

Live streaming is a great tool that helps people who are searching for a church in your area see what you are all about. If you don’t make it easy for people to view your stream, you are limiting your potential to reach new people. By streaming your services and other events, you’re able to take your ministry beyond the walls of your church, connecting with more people than ever before.

If you have put the time, money, and effort into streaming, make sure you have a link on your church website’s home page so people can easily see it and click on it. Here are somethings to help you get more people viewing your stream.

1. Put a countdown timer on your homepage. This countdown timer should have a link to it that takes people directly to your streaming video platform.

2. Put a nice graphic image for the live stream on your homepage that links to the streaming platform. This should be something that catches the eye of the new visitor.

3. Promote your next scheduled event on your homepage. Building anticipation for your live stream is a process that should begin as soon as you plan on going live with the next event.

4. Write a blog post. Here’s one for the avid readers out there. Write a blog post with all the details about your next live video, including a brief description and link it to the live streaming platform.

5. Post a teaser video. This will help the promotion of your next live streaming event and grab attention. Again, always have a link to the streaming platform.

6. Promote your live stream in emails and newsletters. When figuring out how to get more live stream viewers, don’t overlook your email list. Send an email blast or a newsletter to your email subscribers to promote your live stream. While you must not spam their inboxes with frequent updates about the live stream, make sure you promote it twice – once about a week before and another one just a few hours before going live and always include the link to the live streaming platform.

7. Announce it on social media. As soon as you have scheduled your live stream, promote it on all social media channels where your audience is. Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter — create social media posts on all these platforms to generate buzz about your upcoming live video session. Don’t forget the link to streaming platform.

We believe these tips can increase attendance to your live streaming events. Next week we will discuss how to use a streaming platform to connect with your viewers, so they are not people that watch and leave, but can interact and connect with others. Don’t miss our Streaming with Success Webinar, coming up in March!

Questions? Reach out to us today at [email protected]

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