DIY or Guided? The Streaming Journey

At, we work exclusively with churches proving streaming video and have found many churches embark in the live streaming journey on their own, driven by a desire for independence and cost-effectiveness. That can be good but while this DIY approach can be rewarding, it often presents significant challenges. From technical difficulties to overwhelming complexity, the path can be fraught with obstacles.

The DIY Pitfalls

John Basile, co-founder and COO of Stream Dudes, wrote the article, Two Roads to Live Streaming your Church Services. In the article he says the DIY approach typically involves a series of stages:

  • Setting the Goal: Churches begin with simple objectives, often relying on volunteers to handle the technical aspects.
  • The Initial Stream: Using personal devices, churches start streaming directly to social media platforms.
  • Equipment Accumulation: As needs grow, churches add more equipment, leading to increased complexity and potential issues.
  • Switching Technology: The introduction of broadcasting software can enhance the stream but requires additional expertise.
  • Overwhelm and Burnout: As the scope of streaming expands, churches may find themselves overwhelmed by the technical demands.

The Guided Path

A guided journey offers several advantages:

  • Customized Solutions: Experts can tailor a streaming setup to meet specific needs and budgets.
  • Technical Expertise: Professionals provide the knowledge and skills required for a successful stream.
  • Ongoing Support: Guidance and assistance are available throughout the process, ensuring a smooth experience.

Choosing the Right Path

The decision between DIY and guided streaming depends on various factors, including:

  • Technical Expertise: Does the church have the necessary skills and resources?
  • Time and Budget: Is there sufficient time and money to invest in the DIY approach?
  • Long-Term Goals: What are the church’s future plans for streaming?

We love helping churches; we’ve been doing it since 2001. We are happy to help the DYI and for churches that value quality, efficiency, and peace of mind, a guided approach may be the best option. We can help with this approach as well. By partnering with experts, churches can unlock the full potential of live streaming and deepen their connection with their congregation.

Check out our interview with John Basile here.  And don’t miss our webinar, From Crash to Comeback

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