Keep Your Seniors Engaged with Your Church

As the population ages, churches are increasingly looking for ways to keep seniors engaged. One way to do this is by streaming church services to ViewClix Frames  from ViewClix in partnership with

ViewClix Frames are digital displays that are designed specifically for seniors. They are easy to use and do not require any complex technology. Seniors can simply schedule the streaming sessions and the frame will turn on automatically at the designated times.

There are many benefits to streaming church services to ViewClix Frames. First, it allows seniors to stay connected to their church community even if they are unable to attend in person. Second, it provides a familiar church experience for seniors. Third, it can strengthen family connections.

If you are looking for a way to keep seniors engaged, streaming church services to ViewClix Frames is a great option. It is a simple, effective way to deliver spiritual engagement right to seniors.

Here are some of the specific benefits of streaming church services to ViewClix Frames:

  • Provides a familiar church experience for seniors. Seniors can see familiar faces like the pastor and worship leaders, which help them feel connected to their church family.
  • Strengthens family connections. When families install ViewClix Frames for elderly relatives, it provides a shared church experience even when they cannot be there in person. Family members can talk about the sermon and their reactions to it, helping to fulfill the need for community connection.
  • Is simple to set up and use. Seniors do not need to adjust settings or learn to use apps. Photos, videos, and services are scheduled by family to display automatically on the frame at the appropriate times.
  • Can be used to expand your audience and reach more homes in your community. ViewClix Frames can be used to stream church services to seniors who are homebound or live in remote areas.
  • Can be used to maintain connections with longtime members. Seniors who are no longer able to attend in person can still stay connected to their church community through streaming services.

If you are interested in streaming church services to ViewClix Frames, there are a few things you need to do.

First, you need to choose a streaming service that is compatible with ViewClix Frames. is the one.

Second, you need to purchase a ViewClix Frame from ViewClix. You can get a 15% discount, just enter SCTV15

Third, you need to set up the smart frame and connect it to your WiFi network. Once you have done these things, you can start streaming church services to the ViewClix Frames.

Streaming church services to ViewClix Frames is a great way to keep seniors engaged. It is a simple, effective way to deliver spiritual engagement right to seniors. If you are looking for a way to connect with seniors in your church, this is a great option to consider.

Additional Benefits for Churches

In addition to the benefits listed above, streaming church services to ViewClix Frames can also:

  • Accommodate aging congregations and generational shifts. As the population ages, churches are increasingly becoming more diverse in terms of age. Streaming services can help churches reach out to a wider range of people, including seniors.
  • Complement and enhance in-person services. Streaming services can be used to complement and enhance in-person services. For example, churches can stream services to ViewClix Frames in the church lobby or in other areas where people can gather.

If you are looking for a way to keep seniors engaged and reach out to a wider range of people, streaming church services to ViewClix Frames is a great option to consider. and ViewClix are available to answer any questions.

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