
Unlock Sermon Shots & StreamingChurch.tv Integration + Get 30% Off!

Sermon Shots and StreamingChurch.tv Integration

Below is a blog post crafted to complement the YouTube video, aligning with the webinar content from Corey Alderin about Sermon Shots and StreamingChurch.tv integration. It’s written in an engaging, conversational tone, optimized for readability and SEO, and includes a…

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Beyond the Sermon: Why Systems Are Essential for Effective Live Streaming and Ministry

I’ve always been a ‘systems” guy, from my early days of ministry. I don’t know why, I guess I’m just wired that way. Many churches start their live streaming journey with a “wing it” approach. While this might work for…

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StreamingChurch.tv and Sermon Shots Partner to Streamline Sermon Sharing!

We’re excited to announce a new integration between StreamingChurch.tv and Sermon Shots, designed to simplify and enhance how churches share their messages online. This partnership allows you to seamlessly upload content directly from your StreamingChurch.tv account to Sermon Shots, making…

Read MoreStreamingChurch.tv and Sermon Shots Partner to Streamline Sermon Sharing!