7 Questions & Answers about Church Websites

A hand is drawing a wireframe sketch on a transparent surface, depicting a church website layout. The design includes a main header, three square placeholders for questions and answers, a large rectangle for content, and a sidebar with lines to indicate text.

Mark Collier from answers questions about church websites and provides helpful advice with Phil and Steve. Topics addressed include: What potential visitors are looking for when they visit your website vs what members are looking for when/if they visit…

Things People Hate About Your Website

A man in a blue shirt rests his head on his folded arms in front of an open laptop, appearing tired or frustrated—possibly overwhelmed by the things people hate about managing SEO on a website.

Our shortening attention spans are not just making us check our phones several hundred times per day; they’re also making us really impatient when it comes to waiting for websites to load. According to a KISSmetrics report, 47% of consumers…