Category Community

The Brilliance of “Go”

A pair of white sneakers stands on a green concrete surface, facing a large white arrow painted on the ground pointing forward—a vivid symbol of brilliance and the urge to go forth.

In Jesus’ last moments on Earth, with the future of God’s Kingdom and mankind at stake, what master plan does Jesus reveal? It’s wrapped up in one word: “Go”. Just Go. The command is that we are all to GO…

Is It Time for Churches to Stop Live Streaming Services?

A closed brown book with a cross on its cover rests on a wooden surface next to a smartphone. The phone, often used for live streaming church services, displays an image of a wooden cross placed on an open book with a blurred background.

Many churches started live streaming their worship services when they were forced to stop meeting in person during the COVID pandemic. Fortunately, the vast majority of churches are once again gathering together in person. But now, one of the questions being discussed in many churches these days is… Should we stop live streaming our worship services? Recently, I…

What If Your Church Had One Voice?

An illustrated grid of twelve diverse people, each in their own square. They display a variety of hairstyles, skin tones, and clothing colors, all smiling against different colored backgrounds. Together, they form a harmonious chorus of individuality—a collective voice celebrating vibrant diversity.

This past week we interviewed Kyle Hammond, the Kids Pastor from Alive Church, in Tucson, AZ on the Church Solutions Podcast. Kyle talked about One Voice, a new ministry from Alive Church; you can listen or watch the 30 minute…

The Lifestyle of a Healthy Church

A heartbeat line illustration seamlessly weaves a heart, cross, church, and upward arrow, symbolizing a healthy church lifestyle filled with faith, love, and spiritual growth.

Every year several thousands of churches close their doors. Compare that with only 1,000 new churches opening every year. Churches are dying every day in this country, and it is alarming. Some deaths are unavoidable. Like the man diagnosed with an…