Managing Stress in Ministry: A Step-by-Step Guide

It’s that time of the year again, Fall is upon us, which is usually a nice change for most of us but If you are in ministry, you know things are starting to get busy at the church. Busyness can…
It’s that time of the year again, Fall is upon us, which is usually a nice change for most of us but If you are in ministry, you know things are starting to get busy at the church. Busyness can…
Kindness is a virtue that is often overlooked in those working or volunteering ministry together, kind of ironic, don’t you think? We recently interviewed Greg Atkinson, author of the book, The Secret Power of Kindness, on the Church Solutions Podcast.…
It’s a new year and we all want to do our best, but here are some common mistakes that some of us in ministry make when it comes to scheduling our lives and some helpful tips to change that. Ministry…
Wow, 2023 is almost here. Many folks make New Year’s Resolutions, the things they hope to accomplish. Here’s a twist, how about some things you do not want to do in 2023? 1. Do not allow ministry to take important…
I have been working in ministry since the late 1970s and have learned a lot from others as well as my own mistakes. Ministry is hard work but sometimes we make it even more difficult because of mistakes we make,…
Let’s face it, when you are about to begin a church service things can be stressful in the tech area of the church, especially when it comes to streaming video. Here are 10 tips to reduce your stress level on…
Stress in ministry is unavoidable but we don’t have to succumb to it. The problem comes with how we respond. To understand this, self-awareness is the vital tool. Without it, addressing stress and avoiding burnout is like trying to mend…