Category Church Marketing

7 Big Benefits to Blogging

A person wearing a brown sweater is focused on blogging at a desk, typing on a laptop. A notebook, pen, and speckled coffee mug accompany their creative process, highlighting the benefits of mindful work.

Guest blog by Paul Steinbrueck from OurChurch.Com Blogging has been around for about 2 decades now. Because it’s no longer the “shiny new thing,” there is a tendency among some people to dismiss it as “old school” or no longer…

Pastor Your Data

A data enthusiast is intently examining a computer monitor that displays a detailed analytics dashboard. The screen showcases charts, graphs, and statistics on user data, page views, and conversions. Sticky notes are thoughtfully attached to the bottom of the monitor.

Businesses use data well, even if it’s sometimes creepy. It’s time the church followed suit—minus the creepiness. Churches need to pastor the data! The typical church is not good at tracking data. We keep track of how big the offering…